
Some tribes in East Java

1.                                       Javanese

This tribe is the largest existing tribes in East Java as well as in Java, even those spread to several other areas in Indonesia through the transmigration program.

2.                                      Tenggerese

Their origin may be the same as the ethnic Javanese. The language they use is alsoa dialect of Javanese Tengger. Result of the secession in the first, then there are some elements of their culture that is different from the Javanese people now. Their personal religious beliefs that religion tends to be the same as the Hindu Darma now, but also strong enough to be influenced by their native beliefs towards the environment. The pattern of their daily life was rather different from the Javanese in General, because they live in a small mountainous area that is very cold, with the crater of Bromo who became the center of their cult orientation.

3.                                     Madurese

This tribe inhabited the Madura island and parts of the eastern coast of Java. Their population numbers approximately 3 million inhabitants. Others there are who resided in other major cities in Indonesia. Their language was a dialect of Madurese language Kangean, Sumenep, Pamekasan, Bangkalan, Probolinggo, Bondowoso and Situbondo. Madurese language also know the level of language, i.e. the language of the coarse, medium and fine, strong language used for communication in everyday society.

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