Gandrung Dance

Gandrung Banyuwangi dance is a dance that originated in the area of Banyuwangi, East Java. The word itself means Gandrung enchanted, that describes a sense of fascination communities Banyuwangi against the Goddess or Goddess of rice that has brought prosperty to the community.Thus then the Gandrung Banyuwangi dance is performed after the regular harvest erstwhile Kingdom.

Remo Dance

The traditional dance is Dance Remo. Ancient dance remo became one of the dances to welcome guests.

This dance was created by the troubadours when tempo used to be. At that time, indeed almost most people are required to be able to dance. Even singers can dance.

This dance is usually performed by men, but along with the age of this dance can be taken by women to appear the name of Dance Dance Remo's daughter. Formerly,this dance as opening performances ludruk. Along with the age of the dance is staged every art performances.

Wedang Angsle

It has the typical taste of the other and has ingredients that varied as fresh bread, there was also steamed sticky rice,and green beans, and putu mayang(petulo). The materials last given gravy made from coconut milk and ginger.Imagine how the deliciousness of this drink? Not only can refresh,angsle also can fill other stomach hunger. 

Wedang Jaselang

Wedang Jaselang is a typical drink from malang.Despite having properties and appearance similar to most beverages, but nonetheless there is a difference as his trademark.The materials used are ginger, cinnamon, a little pepper, kapulga, sappanwood and make different is the addition of the reeds.Which is to maintain stamina, being able to warm up the body and so on

Wedang Cemue

Wedang Cemue is a typical drink from Ngawi,East Java province.This drink has a savory flavor due to the combination of the ingredients contained in it.Made this using other beans, savory rabbit soft bread, coconut sugar as sweetener and ginger to warm sensation. And that makes it unique is in this drink is given a fried onion and also the pandan leaves for scent. Hmmmm,, are interested in trying? Please come to the districts of Wonogiri to get it.

Custom House East Java generally took the form of joglo. There are also has the shape of a dove, and a form srontongan gepak (empyak setangkep). Cities in the western part of East Java has similarities to towns in Central Java. Particularly Surakarta and Yogyakarta which is called as the town center of civilization.

Joglo architecture design alone is unique. Had the characteristic form of the shape of the roof which is a blend of two areas of the roof of the triangle with two trapezoid roof areas. Each has a different slope angles and is not as great. Joglo roof is always located in the middle and higher and is flanked by the roof of the porch. The shape of the roof is in this unique building later known as joglo House.
For East Java Custom clothing is actually not much different from the traditional clothes of Central Java, due to its location. As well as, at the time of old Javanese culture of many entry in East Java. But what distinguishes custom clothing Central Java, East Java, traditional clothing is because custom clothing Central Java is more symbolic of the decency and good manners in the apply and speak the words and take action.

Because people-people of Central Java is more subtle in conveying opinions and sometimes often shy. It is different with people who come from East Java are more assertive and open in conveying an opinion so that the pattern that exists in East Java Custom clothing also symbolizes the firmness but also keep it simple with memorable high ethical value.
Some tribes in East Java

1.                                       Javanese

This tribe is the largest existing tribes in East Java as well as in Java, even those spread to several other areas in Indonesia through the transmigration program.

2.                                      Tenggerese

Their origin may be the same as the ethnic Javanese. The language they use is alsoa dialect of Javanese Tengger. Result of the secession in the first, then there are some elements of their culture that is different from the Javanese people now. Their personal religious beliefs that religion tends to be the same as the Hindu Darma now, but also strong enough to be influenced by their native beliefs towards the environment. The pattern of their daily life was rather different from the Javanese in General, because they live in a small mountainous area that is very cold, with the crater of Bromo who became the center of their cult orientation.

3.                                     Madurese

This tribe inhabited the Madura island and parts of the eastern coast of Java. Their population numbers approximately 3 million inhabitants. Others there are who resided in other major cities in Indonesia. Their language was a dialect of Madurese language Kangean, Sumenep, Pamekasan, Bangkalan, Probolinggo, Bondowoso and Situbondo. Madurese language also know the level of language, i.e. the language of the coarse, medium and fine, strong language used for communication in everyday society.

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